
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Trench Diary

Hi guys Antonio here, Yesterday I finished my trench diary. We had to act like we were in the trenches, writing a letter to home.  But first we had to watch this video of somethings that were in or happened in the war. So we had to write what we smelt, what we saw, what we feel, what we heard, what we were feeling and what we were thinking.

Eye, Glasses - Free illustrations on Pixabay
I could see people with guns and with green camo clothes.  I could see men fighting and rats running around and they were the size of cats. And men trying to get some sleep.
Free vector graphic: Alphabet Word Images, Body, Drawing - Free ...
I could hear guns going crazy the rain smashing onto the ground. And I could hear men screaming and yelling and huge rats squeaking and people’s stomachs growling. And bombs blowing up.
Free vector graphic: Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, Outline - Free Image on ...
I could taste the polluted water going into my mouth and corned beef with crackers. And I could taste the dirt going into my mouth.
Nose - Nariz | Sniff... Snif... | Davi Sommerfeld | Flickr
I could smell the polluted air and gas bombs, could smell stinky rats and the smell of dead bodies and animals.   
Free vector graphic: Hand, Open, Wave, Cartoon, Brown - Free Image ...
I could feel the hard gun and and the lice biting my back were I couldn’t scratch.
Free illustration: Heart, Cartoon, Drawing, Mesh - Free Image on ...
I feel scared, and not safe I wish I could go back but I can’t, because we need to do this for our conterie.
Thought, Bubble - Free images on Pixabay
I’m thinking of us stopping and joining forces. But I’m thinking of home and people playing.
It was easy because of the video, I could remember what the video said.  

1 comment:

  1. You have entered lots of good detail about the situations the soldiers must have found themselves in Antonio. You have put yourself in their situation. Well done. Keep up the detail in your work. I think it must have been terrible to have been in the trenches.


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